




①死亡 + 埃德加

②失忆 + 埃德加

③魔镜 + 埃德加


①婚礼 + 埃德加 + 蕾诺拉

②死亡 + 蕾诺拉

③复活 + 蕾诺拉

④婚礼 + 伊泽贝尔 + 蕾诺拉

⑤婚礼 + 埃德加 + 蕾诺拉



①婚礼 + 埃德加 + 蕾诺拉

②死亡 + 蕾诺拉 + 埃德加

③复活 + 埃德加

④死亡 + 埃德加 + 蕾诺拉

⑤死亡 + 埃德加

⑥婚礼 + 埃德加 + 蕾诺拉


①婚礼 + 蕾诺拉 + 伊泽贝尔

②婚礼 + 蕾诺拉 + 埃德加

③死亡 + 蕾诺拉 + 伊泽贝尔

④复活 + 伊泽贝尔

⑤死亡 + 伊泽贝尔 + 蕾诺拉


讲故事是学生喜闻乐见的形式,它将学生的情感动作与语言、语音、语调融为一体表现出来。下面是我给大家整理的讲故事的英语短语,供大家参阅! 讲故事的英语短语篇1 1 Archie kept us amused with his stories 阿奇一直给塌镇我们讲故事来逗我们开心。 2 He was our greatest storyteller, without question 毫无疑问,他是我们最会讲故事的人。 3 She was a storyteller beyond pare 她是个无与伦比的讲故事高手。 4 a storyteller who can hold audiences spellbound 讲故事能让听众如痴如醉的人 5 All stories seemed dreadfully alike, no matter who told them 看来, 不管谁讲,故事都是千篇一律的 6 The children listened enthralled as the storyteller unfolded her tale 讲故事的人一步步展开故事情节,孩子们都听得入迷了 7 The children were all ears when Granny told them stories 奶奶讲故事的时候,孩子们都全神贯注地听着 8 His grandmother spun him a yarn at the fire 他奶奶在火炉边给他讲故事 9 They all listened to the storyteller with thirsty ears 他们津津有味地听说书人讲故事 10 He was sitting amongst a group of children, telling them a story 他正坐在一群孩子中间讲故事 11 Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story 祖父很健忘团型粗,他讲故事时常重复 12 Mr Smith takes the biscuit as a story teller 史密斯先生讲故事是无与伦比的 13 Don’t break in when he is telling the story 他讲故事的时候别打断他 14 The children all sat quietly listening to the teacher telling stories 孩子们都乖乖儿地坐着听老师讲故事 15 He tells stories very vividly and holds his audience spell – bound 他讲故事讲得娓娓动听,引人入胜 讲故事的英语短语篇2 The truth is that he was wonderfully entertaining in society He was a graet storyteller He was an actor And the producers were all friends of his 事实是他在社会中非常有娱乐大众的气质,他是故事讲得很好,演戏也好,制片人也都是他的朋友。 I think one of the greatest circles for moral good is storytelling where you’re invited to take the perspective of another and see the world as they do 我觉得宣扬德行的最好办法之一,就是讲故事,它能租闹促使你从别人的角度看问题,看到别人眼中的世界。 and so they tell a little story, this girl doesn’t want to go to school 然后他们讲了一个小故事,这个小女孩不愿意去上学。 Can you tell us a story about the most memorable student you’ve ever had 你能跟我们讲一个你印象最深的学生的故事吗 She took him willy-nilly to her” He’s telling a story about himself, seemingly, but who is the “I,” then, that’s left over “I feel her yet” 她犹疑不决地把他拉向自己,他在讲关于自己的故事,似乎是这样,但谁是“我“呢,“我感觉到了她“,又是什么“ Let me tell you two stories that might– well, look, before I tell you the stories here’s the other side 让我告诉你们两个故事-,在我讲故事之前,先讲下另一面。 Chapter 8 describes the victory at a place called Ai, which is near Jericho Chapter 9 tells the story of the Gibeonites who join the Israelites; they are a local group that seems to join them 第八章描述了在一个叫艾城的地方所取得的胜利,它靠近耶利亚哥,第九章讲了基遍居民的故事,他们加入了以色列人,他们是加入以色列的当地人。 Another example This captured my imagination– when I was a kid, my dad told me about the invention of the chess game– some of you know the story 另一个例子,这个例子捕获了我的想象力-,在我小时,父亲给我讲象棋游戏的由来-,有些人可能知道这个故事。 And to answer that question, Hobbes tells a story 为了回答这个问题,霍布斯讲了一个故事。 I’m going to tell about myself, but you know, you’ll find the argument sort of, perhaps more persuasive if, as I tell the story, you imagine the story being told about you 在故事中讲的是我自己,但你们会发现,如果你们相信故事说的是你们自己,这个论证就会更有说服力 But of course,we’re doing science fiction stories here 当然了,我们这里讲的只是科幻故事。 In fact, this reconstruction often does contradict biblical claims We’re going to see this quite clearly in a few weeks when we consider the book of Joshua and its story of Israel’s lighting invasion of the land of Canaan 事实上这种重建经常与圣经的说法相矛盾,我们,将在接下来几周讲约书亚书和以色列人,入侵迦南的故事时更详细的来看。 讲故事的英语短语篇3 One of my favorite stories is, William Ruckelshaus, William Ruckelshaus who was head of the Environmental Protection Agency in the early 1970s 我最喜欢的一个故事,是讲,他是20世纪70年代时候的,环境保护机构的会长。 as a way to kind of further the process of making, telling the story that you want to tell 一种帮助你更好地表达想讲的故事的方式。 Just to carry on some of the highlights of that story, that tells us a lot about the society 继续讲故事里面的几个要点,这反映很多社会现实 What of course happened through the story was that she molded him more and transformed him 当然故事讲完时,是她塑造了他,改变了他。 That has a typical Bildungsroman structure, the structure of a story about a boy who goes out from his home and sort of bees a man through his travels 这里具备一个典型成长小说的框架,故事结构讲的是,一个背井离乡的男孩,在旅途中长大成人。 Try to tell a story in which this podium exists but this podium does not exist 试着给我讲一个关于这讲台既存在,但又不存在的故事 We assume that unless we’re dealing with Scheherazade, it has to have an end, but at the same time we might well ask ourselves, why does it have a middle What is the function of the middle with respect to a beginning and an end 而且我们认定一定会有结尾,除非讲故事的是那个,《天方夜谭》中的苏丹新娘,但是我们要问自己了,为什么故事一定要有经过呢,故事的经过对于开头结尾来说起到什么作用呢 But the big story is huge, huge, huge amount of troops 但整个故事讲的就是极其庞大的军队 I like to tell that story because it sounds obvious that if you were a gold ith hundreds of years of ago you would have probably bee a banker -it would just be the natural thing to do 我喜欢讲这个故事,因为这里面的道理很简单,如果你是几百年前的一名金匠,你很可能就会变成一个银行家,这是自然而然的事 So having said that about musical notation– something about a cautionary tale about musical notation– we should think about how it affects the way we pose music in the West and how we perform music in the West 讲完记谱法的一些,足以为戒的故事之后,我们也该想一下,它是如何影响西方音乐的作曲方式的,以及如何影响西方音乐的演奏方式 Well, start anywhere you want Breton, which is a language that has nothing to do with French at all– here, oh I’ve got a really funny story I was going to tell about a Breton priest, a French speaking Breton priest, but that’s for another day 从哪开始都行,布列塔尼语,这个语言和法语没有任何关系,这,我准备讲一个特别有意思的故事,是关于一个布列塔尼牧师,说法语的布列塔尼牧师,不过这以后再讲了 It’s the story of the old opera house and the ghost of the opera, right 这个故事讲的是一所老歌剧院和歌剧院的幽灵,对吧 The temptations that Mammon offers Guyon are literally within the story itself temptations of wealth, but they’re also temptations to the wealth of classical learning, the wealth of the entire classical heritage 贪神向盖恩丢掷的诱惑,从字面上说这个故事讲的是财富的诱惑,但实际上它要表达的是学习古典文献所得财富的诱惑,也是整个古典文学遗产财富带来的诱惑。 We don’t want to have a bunch of short stories strung together 我们不不想讲一堆小故事,绑在一起了事。 看过讲故事的英语短语的人还:

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